It was again awsome. My second presentation on the NLVMug. The VMware User Group in the Netherlands. This year the NLVMUG was organized at another location. De Fabrique in Utrecht, Netherlands Different but nice. Together with Sam Vieillard, Krastin Krastev and myself ( Toine Eetgerink ) we presented: “Automated Multi-Pod Micro-Segmentation with NSX-V “
What was it about; a lot. Lets start from the beginning. A multi site compute location with multiple NSX managers, divided in separate workload domains called POD’s, all realized with vRealize Automation. The development for the vRealize Orchestrator is done via vRealize DevTools written in Typescript and transpiled in vRO JavaScript. Sounds cool right. Let me explain in more detail. A Pod Design for vRA and NSX, what is it? A pod is entity with its own configurations, third-party integration, compute resources, networks. It can be vCenter-NSX-v pair or NSX-T with multiple vCenters or a cluster which is using the same vCenter and NSX as another POD, but has different configuration parameters. It can be one or more workload domains, multiple POD’s can exist in one workload domain. A POD is a logical definition of a group of objects which you can act upon. For example in the configuration of POD1: the external ip selected. In POD2 use Nat is selected. Another example is POD1 is data-center 1, POD3 is data-center 2, POD4 is data-center 4. With the pod design, you can create a flexible solution with NSX with less boundaries.
vRealize DevTools, what is that? That is a soon to be released fling. This tool integrates into Visual Studio Core. Code can be stored in Git. The code can be transpiled to Javascript and pushed to vRealize Orchestrator, you can even push the vRO resources, configuration elements and workflows from Visual Studio Code. With runners in Git you can store the master version into Artifactory.
Develop the actions in a normal IDE, preferable Visual Studio Core with TypeScript. sounds awesome right.
You can download the building tools on VMware Fling :
And the visual studio extension from github
Download the presentation: NLVMUG-2019-Automated Multi-Pod Micro-Segmentation with NSX.
See the presentation recorded video:
A lot of other great sessions were presented by my collegues of ITQ:
“VDI by Day, Compute by Night” Johan van Amersfoort, EUC Champion, VCDX-DTM
“Secure Desktop with NSX under the hood session“ Pascal van de Bor, EUC Consultant
“What is Workspace One Intelligence?“ Maarten Caus, EUC Consultant
And of course some of the well known VMware speakers:
“VMware Cloud on AWS – Behind the scenes“
Frank Denneman, Chief Technologist Cloud Platform BU @VMware. @FrankDenneman
Duncan Epping, Chief Technologist @VMware
“Keynote: Meet the Driver of the Self-Driving Datacenter“
Jad El-Zein , Principle Architect @VMware And many more……..
At you can find the presentations. and on the NLVMUG TV Channel on Youtube Regards Toine Eetgerink.